For technical support, e.g. regarding problems with signing in or creating new accounts please use our contact form: contact us.
The following research institutions offer local support for DeiC DMP:
Aalborg Universitet / Aalborg University
CLAAUDIA offers advice from people with knowledge of research data infrastructures, data science and data management. This includes help for writing data management plans or the like and aspects of data handling including reuse, collection, analysis, publication and archiving.
Contact: claaudia@aau.dkHomepage:
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
AU Library provides support regarding data management plans, metadata, data sharing, data storage, licenses and data publication (repositories).
General questions: Johanne Rübner Hansen johr@kb.dkARTS: Johanne Rübner Hansen
AARHUS BSS: Kirsten Krogh Kruuse
HEALTH: Anne Vils Mead
NAT/TECH: Anna Slyngborg
Copenhagen Business School
CBS Library provides support for writing data management plans and offers review of data management plans.
Contact: rdm@cbs.dkHomepage:
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark
DTU Library provides support for writing data management plans and offers review of all plans. Full information is available on DTU Inside.
Contact: datamanagement@dtu.dkHomepage:
Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen provides a central point of contact for research data management support.
Contact: datamanagement@ku.dkLocal support services are available at the following faculties:
Faculty of Social Sciences:Contact:
Faculty of Humanities:
Faculty of Law:
Contact Mette Saks:
Faculty of Theology:
Contact Minna Giesel:
Roskilde Universitet / Roskilde University
Roskilde University Library provides support in relation to data management plans, FAIR data and the choice of data archive/repository (in collaboration with RUC IT).
Contact: forskersupport@kb.dkSyddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark
SDUB provides support for writing data management plans, data sharing, data storage and data publication (repositories/journals). RDM Support also advises on GDPR and other legal matters.
Contact: rdm-support@bib.sdu.dkHomepage: