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Warning: We are in the process of removing duplicate organisation names from our database. For some users, this may result in an update of the name of the affiliation in their user profile (when this had been a name variant of one of the supported organisations in DeiC DMP). In a few cases, there may also be an update of the name of the funding organisation and of contributors' affiliations in the data management plan. It does not affect any plan contents.

Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DeiC DMP service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project Title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
Copy of Treatment of painful osteoporotic fractures with vertebroplasty DCC Template Syddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark Marianne Lorenzen (new window) Opens in new window
Genomics Platform UCPH Data Management Plan template Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen Magali Michaut (new window) Opens in new window
Intensive gait-assisted versus intensive step-assisted training after traumatic brain injury – a randomised cross-over feasibility trial. DCC Template Region Hovedstaden / Capital Region of Denmark vibeke wagner (new window) Opens in new window
Transforming illness experience through a co-creative dance practice for young cancer survivors SDU - Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning Syddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark Sarah Pini (new window) Opens in new window
AIRCARD DCC Template Odense Universitetshospital / Odense University Hospital Stephan Mayntz (new window) Opens in new window
Participation in ExCo for IEA IETS DTU DMP Template Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark Brian Elmegaard (new window) Opens in new window
Consumer Practices in a Circular Society Horizon 2020 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark Mubarik Kassim Rabiu (new window) Opens in new window
Non-sensitive NGS research project template Horizon Europe Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen Jose Alejandro Romero Herrera (new window) Opens in new window
77666 Green corrosion inhibitors for corrosion prevention of carbon steel under CO2 and H2S conditions DTU data management plan Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark Ghada Shaban (new window) Opens in new window
A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial Evaluating the Benefits from Bimodal Solution with Cochlear Implant and Hearing Aid vs. Bilateral Hearing Aids in Patients with Asymmetric Speech Identification Scores. DCC Template Syddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark yeliz jakobsen (new window) Opens in new window