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About DeiC DMP

Funding bodies increasingly require their grant-holders to produce Data Management Plans (DMP), both during the pre-award stage and after funding has been secured. DeiC DMP helps researchers respond to this requirement, and any expectations that their institution or others may apply.

DeiC DMP is based on the open source DMPRoadmap code base, which is jointly developed by the Digital Curation Center (DCC) and the University of California Curation Center (UC3). The DCC and UC3 work closely with research funders and universities to produce a tool that generates active DMPs and caters for the whole lifecycle of a project.

Service Management

The service is managed by the Royal Danish Library.The service managers can be contacted by email, regarding issues related to the DeiC DMP service.

Local support and management

The universities and/or university libraries around Denmark each have local support staff in place who offer guidance and services related to DeiC DMP and data management planning. Consult your local DeiC DMP support for further details on what is available at your university here.

Technical operation

The technical service is offered by the Danish e-Infrastructure Consortium (DeiC).

How the tool works

There are a number of templates within the tool that represent the requirements of different funders and institutions. Users are asked three questions at the outset so we can determine the appropriate template to display (e.g. the Horizon Europe template when applying for an EC grant). Guidance is provided to help you interpret and answer the questions. This guidance is provided by funders and universities.

Getting Started

If you have an account, please sign in and start creating or editing your DMP.

If you do not have a DeiC DMP account, click on 'Sign up' on the homepage. Please make sure to select one of the supported organisations (with the correct spelling) from the drop-down list:

  • Aalborg Universitet / Aalborg University
  • Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark
  • IT Universitet i København / IT University of Copenhagen
  • Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen
  • Roskilde Universitet / Roskilde University
  • Syddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark
  • VIA University College
  • Det Kongelige Akademi / Royal Danish Academy
  • Professionshøjskolen Absalon / University College Absalon
  • Københavns Professionshøjskole / University College Copenhagen
  • Det Kgl. Bibliotek / Royal Danish Library
  • Statens Arkiver / The Danish National Archives

If you are not affiliated with one of the supported organisations, choose "Other Organisation".

Once you have created an account and you are affiliated with a Danish research institution, you can also choose to "sign in with your institutional credentials" ("WAYF" login) and link your user profile with your institutional account.

Please visit the 'Help' page for guidance.